Drafty Home? Seal those Leaks!

Many Greenville, SC homeowners find themselves dealing with drafty rooms year after year. Even though the weather stays relatively warm in South Carolina throughout much of the year, no one deserves to have to deal with an unwanted breeze moving through their home. What’s the solution? Air seal your home and stop the drafts for good!

What is Air Sealing?

Many homes throughout Greenville are loaded with tiny cracks and gaps, the majority of which usually go overlooked. As one might expect, these breaks in the building envelope can allow outside air to enter the home and inside, conditioned air to escape. Air sealing is the process of filling these tiny cracks and gaps so that unwanted airflow no longer occurs. It is performed by a home performance contractor who takes a close look at the entire home envelope to isolate any areas that may be causing problems, and it’s one of the most important steps towards enhanced home performance.

Problems Associated with Leaky Homes

While it makes sense that leaky homes are less than ideal, many people don’t realize just how problematic they can be. Leaky homes are often plagued by poor indoor air quality, for example, especially if air is allowed to move through contaminated areas such as crawlspaces and then into the home’s living spaces. They’re also far less efficient than homes with tight building envelopes, leading to a larger carbon footprint and excess wear and tear on your heating and cooling systems.

You may not know it, but inefficient homes are also characterized by reduced resale value. Obviously, something has to be done.

infographic showing air leaks in a home

Our Process

At Benton Green Energy, we take a “whole home” approach to air sealing. We utilize state-of-the-art materials (such as Infinite R) to achieve the best results possible, and our BPI-certified team members have the experience and knowledge it takes to handle any job. Our services include:

  • Extracting Existing Insulation

  • Air Sealing Tops of Interior and Exterior Walls

  • Air Sealing All Holes in Ceiling and Floor

  • Sealing Duct Systems

  • Blowing New Insulation into the Attic

Questions? We’re here to answer them and work with your budget to develop a solution that will make your home more comfortable, reduce your energy bills and create a safer home environment for you and your family.

Ready to see what air sealing can do for your home? Contact us today to learn more and to schedule an appointment!

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

Get started today with a FREE consultation and a FREE quote.


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Scott Kelly, President of Carolina Heating Service

I first ran into Dean at a customer house several years ago. He was doing an energy audit where I was upgrading the HVAC system. Dean had recommended some upgrades to the home which greatly reduced the customer’s utility bill.