This handy infographic from One Block Off the Grid provides a helpful rundown of the potential savings in energy efficient home improvements.

This handy infographic from One Block Off the Grid provides a helpful rundown of the potential savings in energy efficient home improvements.

Although we believe the best home energy upgrades are often the simplest -- air sealing, insulation, duct sealing, etc. -- this graphic nonetheless makes a sound case for investing in home energy efficiency.

And with our new loan program you can finance a BIG retrofit for your home without shelling out the entire amount up front.  As a matter of fact, the savings you realize will probably be as much or more than the payment, in essence making the whole project FREE for the life of the loan.  After that the savings go into your pocket.  You end up with a more energy efficient, more comfortable, quiet, and safer house with better indoor air quality and for NO additional money than you are spending now.  Call us TODAY to schedule an audit.  If you contract with us to do the work the cost of the audit is free as well: GET STARTED NOW: 864-492-1344

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

Get started today with a FREE consultation and a FREE quote.


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Hey Dean! I wanted to let you know that the insulation in the room over our garage is working great! It was 87 degrees outside today, and the thermometer we had in the room read an arctic 71 degrees -- right where my wife likes it. Thanks so much!