Hidden heat sources in the home contribute to uncomfortably hot living spaces, as well as unnecessarily high energy bills, throughout the summer. Simple fixes like switching to energy efficient lighting and insulating water pipes can make a world of difference.

Hidden heat sources in the home often translate to really hot living spaces, as well as unnecessarily high energy bills, throughout the summer. Simple fixes like switching to energy efficient lighting (much more important than you might think) and insulating water pipes can make a world of difference.

For example, the uninsulated water pipes in the photo below may look innocent enough, but if you look at the infrared image of the water pipes you can see that they're dumping heat into the home, contributing to high energy bills and an uncomfortable house!

In addition, we often treat our client's windows, seal ductwork and service air conditioners, and install radiant barriers to reduce the cooling loads in homes throughout the upstate.  Call us today, 864-492-1344 and tell us what you are experiencing to see if we can help.

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

Get started today with a FREE consultation and a FREE quote.


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George H., Greenville, NC

"I have noticed a difference in the house.  The house heats up quicker and
now takes longer to cool down.  I did check my bill history and this time
last year was much colder than it has been this year, but my bill is over