Want to upgrade to more energy efficient lighting, but stumped about the best way to do so?

Winter is when we use the most lighting because the days are shorter and it stays dark longer.  As a result, the quickest payback for lighting upgrades comes by doing them NOW! If you want to upgrade to more energy efficient lighting, but are stumped about the best way to do so, this neat infographic from Pegasus Lighting provides a handy guide to replacing that 60W incandescent light bulb:

Replacing That 60-Watt Light Bulb: A Cheat Sheet created by Pegasus Lighting.

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

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Scott Kelly, President of Carolina Heating Service

I first ran into Dean at a customer house several years ago. He was doing an energy audit where I was upgrading the HVAC system. Dean had recommended some upgrades to the home which greatly reduced the customer’s utility bill.