This infographic from EnergySavvy shows how much coal the average Southeastern U.S. home burns to keep cool in the summer.

Ever wonder how much coal is being burned to keep your home cooled with air conditioning in the summer? 

Wonder no more. EnergySavvy has an infographic that visualizes the coal it takes to keep an average home in the Southeastern U.S. comfortable with air conditioning, compared to the same house with an energy efficient air conditioner, and the same house after a comprehensive home energy upgrade.

Not only are you saving yourself money, you're reducing the amount of resources necessary to comfortably live in your home!

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

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George H., Greenville, NC

"I have noticed a difference in the house.  The house heats up quicker and
now takes longer to cool down.  I did check my bill history and this time
last year was much colder than it has been this year, but my bill is over